Gu, munduko
gazteok, munduko biztanleok, hemen Bruselan elkartu gara, Europako “Let´s Take
Care of the Planet” Gazte Konferentzian, gure etorkizunaz hausnartzeko, erabaki
hartzaileak estimulatzeko eta jendeak klima aldaketaren aurka eragin dezan, guk
gaur hemen egiten ari garen bezala.
Ikusten al duzue
guk ikusten duguna? Sentitzen al duzue guk sentitzen duguna? Baiezkoa bada,
erakutsi iezaguzu!
Guri dagokigunez,
- Ingurumenaren aldeko elkartasun giro bat sortuko dugu
- Berotze globala egonkortuko duten energia berriztagarrien garapenean erantzukizuna
sentitzen dugu
- Poluzioak biodibertsitatean dituen eraginen inguruan kontzientzia sortzeko beharra sentitzen dugu bizi kalitate hobe bat lortzeko
- Gure osasun kalitatearen eta ongizatearen erantzule sentitzen gara
- Hondakinen kudeaketari irtenbide bat bilatzen jardungo dugu
Erantzukizun hauek lortzeko ondorengo ekintzak
eramango ditugu aurrera
- “Nola babestu ingurumena etorkizuneko belaunaldietarako” izeneko konferentzia antolatu nahi genuke
- Ekologia eta klima aldaketaren inguruan gazteak hezteko aste tematikoa antolatuko dugu ikastetxeetan
- Bolondresekin “Garbitze egunak” antolatuko ditugu ikastetxe eta auzoak garbitzeko
- Transporte publikoa erabiliko dugu gure gas emisioak gutxitzeko
- Energia aurrezteko, energia berriztagarriak bultzatzeko, poluziorik gabeko ibilgailuak sustatzeko eta energia nuklearraren arriskuez informatzeko kanpainak antolatuko ditugu
- Elkartasun ikuskizun bat antolatuko dugu eta bildutako diruarekin landareak landatuko ditugu etorkizunari hauspo bat emateko.
aldaketaren efektuak murrizteko, zuen laguntza behar dugu!
Kazetariok, zuen mezuek entzuleengan duten inpaktua
kontuan har dezazuen eskatzen dizuegu. Gizarteak dituen ingurumenarekiko
interesak kontuan hartzen dituzten artikuluak sortzera gonbidatzen zaituztegu.
Artistok, gure mezulari izateko eskaera egiten
dizuegu. Hitzak ekintza bihurtzeko eredu izan zaitezten nahiko genuke.
Zuzendariok, eskolan alkate eta kazetariak
gonbidatuko dituzuen konferentziak antola ditzazuen proposatzen dizuegu,
hartara, ingurumen arazoen zenbaterainokoaz ohartuko baitira.
Lagunduiguzu fabrikei zaborra egokiro sailka dezaten dei egitera.
Nazioarteko Autoritateok, kutsatzen duten industria eta enpresen
kontrako legeak bozkatu itzazue.
Hiritar/herritarrekin kontaktu zuzenagoa izan ezazue, hauek erabakiak
hartzeko prozesuan integratzeko.
Gainera boterearen maila guztietan kooperazioa ahalbidetzea eskatzen
Enpresok, birziklatu gehiago eta kutsatu gutxiago.
Programatutako zaharkitze sistema (obsolescencia programada) bertan behera utzi
Udalok, klima aldaketaren urteko konferentzia,
ingurumenaren aldeko egunak edota uraren aldeko kanpainak bezalako proiektuak diruz
lagundu eta antolatu itzazue.
Beste udal edo gobernu lokal batzuekin kooperatzera dei egiten dizuegu
gobernu nazionalei presioa egiteko, ingurumen arazoen soluzioei irtenbideak
eman diezaieten.
Kutsadura murrizteko helburuarekin, industriei jarraipen bat egin
Badago gu baino
botere gehiago duenik: Ama Lurra! Hortaz, indarrak batu eta gure erantzukizunak
onar ditzagun gaur egungo gure bizitza eta hurrengo belaunaldiena sensibleagoa
izan dadin.
Zurekin ez
bada, norekin? Orain ez bada, noiz?
Bruselasen, 2015-eko maiatzaren
Europako 14 herrialdetako
dezagun Planeta Europear Proiektua
We, the young people, the world citizens, are
gathered here in Brussels, in the European “Let’s Take Care of the Planet” Youth
Conference in order to reflect on our future, stimulate the decision-makers and
make people act on climate change as we do today.
Do you see what we see? Do you feel what
we feel? If yes, then show us!
As for us,
We commit ourselves
to create a sense of solidarity regarding environment
We feel responsible
for the development of renewable energies and stabilize global warming
For a better living,
we feel responsible to raise awareness in our community concerning the causes
and effects of pollution on biodiversity
We feel responsible
for the quality of our health and well-being respecting our surroundings
We engage ourselves to
face waste management problems.
To meet these responsibilities, we will take the following actions
We would like to
arrange a big free conference “How to protect our environment for the future
We plan to arrange
special thematic weeks in schools to educate young people about ecology and
climate change.
We will organize
« clean days » with volunteers to clean the territory of our schools
and our neighbourhood.
In order to decrease
our Greenhouse Gas emissions we commit to use alternative transport whenever it
is possible
We will organize
campaigns to promote energy saving, renewable energies and non-polluting
transport and to inform on the risks of using nuclear energy to raise awareness
for the stakeholders and local authorities on climate change issues and
possible solutions
We want to make a
charity show and with the money raised we will plant plants in available places
so we can help the future breathe.
To reduce the effects of climate change, we need your
Journalists, we request you to
take into account the impact of your messages on the public.
We challenge you to create articles based
on society’s environmental interests.
Artists, we request you to be our messengers.
We require you to be examples for others in turning words into actions.
We require you to be examples for others in turning words into actions.
Headmasters, we urge you to
organise school conferences to which you will invite the mayor and journalists
to make them realise how big the environmental issues are.
Assist us in making a call for factories
to properly separate trash and recycle.
International authorities, we require you to vote biding laws against companies
and factories that pollute.
We request you to be in closer contact
with the people in order to integrate them in the decision-making process.
We urge you to allow cooperation at all
level of power.
Companies, we need you to recycle more and pollute
We urge you to stop using the programmed obsolescence system.
We urge you to stop using the programmed obsolescence system.
Local authorities, we suggest you to
finance and organise projects with stakeholders on climate change such as
annual conference, cleaning days and campaigns.
We urge you to cooperate with other local authorities and local governments to put pressure on national governments in order to solve environmental issues.
We urge you to inspect industries more actively in order to reduce pollution.
We urge you to cooperate with other local authorities and local governments to put pressure on national governments in order to solve environmental issues.
We urge you to inspect industries more actively in order to reduce pollution.
There is something more powerful than us:
Mother Nature! So let’s unite our forces and assume our responsibilities and be
more sensitive for our present life and future generations.
If not with
you, then with whom? If not now, then when?
May 22nd,
2015 in Brussels,
Youngsters from 14 European countries,
Let’s Take
Care the Planet European Project.
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